پاسخ صفحه 46 (Talking about Your Address )
نکته : پاسخ با توجه به دانش آموز متغیر میباشد
a) you can say your home address.
My address is 5 Azadi street.Mehr .
b) you can say your home/mobile phone number.
My mobile phone number is 09122222222 .
c) you can ask your friend’s address and telephone number.
What is your address/home number?
پاسخ صفحه 46 (Talking about Your Favorite Food)
a) you can say your favorite food.
My favorite food is salad .
b) you can ask your friend about his/her favorite food.
What is your favorite food ?
c) you can suggest your friend have something to eat or drink.
Let’s have some rice and kebab .
How about some milk ?
پاسخ صفحه 46 (Telling the Time)
نکته : پاسخ با توجه به دانش آموز متغیر میباشد
a) you can say what time it is now.
It is 10 .
b) you can ask your friend the time.
What time is it ?
پاسخ صفحه 47 (Sounds and Letters )
a) you can say and write the English alphabet.
-Aa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg-Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn-Oo-Pp-Qq-Rr-Ss-Tt-Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx-Yy Zz
c) you can say and write one word for each of the following letters.
O o) orange
H h) hand
X x) excuse
Y y) comb
C c) jacket
J j) jacket
Q q) quince
Z z) zebra